“David Diamond is an international treasure.”
Mark Leiren-Young, Vancouver Sun
If you want a Theatre for Living process in YOUR community Click Here
“Theatre for Living is one of the most prolific, life changing, humanity affirming and powerful theatre companies in the country. This is what theatre is to me.”
Jenny Magenta, audience member
“Through Theatre for Living, I have found a reality that could inspire my whole life and give it new direction and meaning. I am so amazed at how powerful this medium is in creating a new level of consciousness and opening up human beings to each other to enable them to trust and build bonds that transcend the barriers of class, caste, gender, religion, ethnicity, disability etc.”
Dilreen Kaur, TfL training participant
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Have a look at the Awards that the company received over the 37 years of production
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Hello and welcome to the Theatre for Living website. Please have a look around. There are reports, videos and interviews about theatre and social justice issues throughout the site.
In 2018, after 37 years of production, I decided, with the support of Staff and the Board of Directors, to devolve the Company and stop doing large productions. Theatre for Living is now a “sole proprietorship”: David Diamond operating as Theatre for Living.
I am still responding to invitations to do projects in community: workshops with or without performance, trainings, speeches and other small or large inventions as requested. If you would like to consider something in your community please contact me at hello@theatreforliving.com.
Thank you to everyone who supported and was a part of Theatre for Living over so many years.
Here is a link to the slide show we presented at our Closing Ceremony on September, 28, 2018. Enjoy.
David Diamond
About Theatre for Living (TfL)
To learn more about TfL workshops, and how you can bring a Theatre for Living process to your community, please contact David Diamond at 604.734.1691 or email hello@theatreforliving.com
During its 37 year life, Theatre for Living (Headlines Theatre) Societyproduced many hundreds of projects and became recognized as a world leader in community specific, issue-oriented theatre, winning numerous awards. While the work became to be known as THEATRE FOR LIVING, it is based on Brazilian Director Augusto Boal's Theatre of the Oppressed.
Headlines Theatre was founded in 1981. David (a co-founder) became Artistic Director in 1984. Between 1984 and 2018, David facilitated over 600 Theatre for Living projects with support from staff! Theatre by the community for the community. The company has worked with many groups around the world including First Nations, refugees, women's groups, environmentalists, street youth, health practitioners, and the homeless population. Communities have invited the Company to work on subjects such as racism, violence in the home, school and workplace, the legacy of Residential Schools, language reclamation, harassment, suicide, gangs, sustainability issues, and many others. There was also a commission by the Federal Government to work in School Districts across Canada doing Power Plays around issues of racism and violence. In 1996/97 the Company toured into eleven First Nations communities throughout BC (in partnership with the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council and Native Families in Crisis) training counselors in Theatre for Living techniques and creating community-specific plays on issues arising out of Residential School issues. This project was called Reclaiming Our Spirits. In 2004 Practicing Democracy was used to put over 90 recommendations forward to Vancouver City Council that dealt with issues of chronic poverty. For a complete view of projects from 1981 to 2018, click here.
David continues this work now, without the Society and staff support, operating as Theatre for Living.
Since attending the Theatre for Living training workshop, I have experienced an enormous evolution of understanding in the process of group dynamics. My awareness of the delicate balance between planned programming and intuitive facilitation is much sharper. I have a keener sense of honouring the stories of all the people who are in the room, listening to the voice of the voiceless, blurring the lines between protagonist and antagonist. What I have learned has shifted the foundation of my work, and refocused my direction. I am forever grateful for this experience.
Lacey Eninew, TfL trainee
Thank you to all involved in šxʷʔam̓ət (home)! I haven't seen any other piece of theatre before that I actually felt had the capacity to shift people's minds and hearts towards authentic reconciliation. This is important work and I was so glad to share in it.
Natalie Davidson
Vancouver, BC
I have seen several Theatre for Living shows over the years. I’m always amazed at how masterful David is at drawing out rich and meaningful dialogue from every moment of every community intervention. This is based in his deep faith that as a living organism a community can heal itself.
Diane Conrad, Director, Arts-based Research Studio,
University of Alberta
Feel free to use the information on this website, but credit Theatre for Living, please! Copyright © David Diamond. Website Graphic Work: Dafne Blanco