Us and Them: The Inquiry Image

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a theatrical inquiry during 2010/11 about our need to create the other that builds into Headlines' 30th Anniversary  mainstage production in 2011/12


“Thank you for a life-changing, mind-expanding, soul-searching, transformative theatre experience at Us and Them (the inquiry)! I am awestruck.”
Mark LeBourdais, Nov. 19, 2010

“Us and Them (the inquiry) is startling theatre that requires action.”
Kim Kayashi, Oct. 24, 2010

"The well-being of our grandchildren is directly linked to the well-being of our enemy's grandchildren."
John Paul Lederach, from The Moral Imagination, Oxford University Press (2005

"What if you knew her and found her dead on the ground?
How can you run when you know?"

Neil Young, from Ohio, (1970)