Mamu (1994)
Poster art by: Carl Chaplin
Pictured above: Archer Pechawis as the Father Murrelet feeds Junior
Three years in the making, Mamu was a multidisciplinary play on species and habitat protection.
Mamu was nominated for Vancouver Jessie Richardson Awards in the following categories:

- Outstanding Production
of a Play or Musical
- Outstanding Set Design
of a Play or Musical
- Outstanding Lighting Design
of a Play or Musical
- Outstanding Sound Design
or Original Composition
- Outstanding Costume Design
of a Play or Musical
Pictured right: (left to right from bottom) Cindy Block as The Beetle; Sarah Hayward as The Flying Fox; Archer Pechawis as The Murellet; Joey Lespérance as Harvey; Lorena Gale as Spot the Owl and (above) Evan Adams as Jamie
In 1996 Headlines was honoured to receive the Canadian Healthy Environment Award for Mamu
Pictured left: Joey Lespérance as Harvey experiencing the interconnectedness of life.
Photo: Tim Matheson Photography

Conceived and Directed by David Diamond and
Kevin Finnan
Original Score by
David Rimmer
Mamu was first performed at the Vancouver East Cultural Centre with the following cast:
Evan Adams, Cindy Block, Lorena Gale, Sarah Hayward, Joey Lesperence, Archer Pechawis.
Stage Manager:
Shirley Sutherland
Rear projection:
Tim Matheson
Available Online
"...more imagination and genuine passion than you'll see in a full season at most Canadian theatres... one of the most moving and powerful pieces of theatre I've ever had the privilege of experiencing. I left the theatre with a sense of wonder and delight and the hope that Headlines will get the chance to keep performing this very special show in theatres throughout Canada."
Mark Leiren-Young, Theatrum Magazine

More Past Projects:
šxʷʔam̓ət (home) - (2017)
Reclaiming Hope (2016)
maladjusted Tour (2015)
Voices of Love (2014)
Corporations in our Heads Tour (2013)
I have to tell my story (2013)
maladjusted (2013)
Corporations in Our Heads (2012)
Us and Them (The Play) (2011)
Us and Them (The Inquiry) (2010)
The Gaza Mono-Logues (2010)
after homelessness… (2009)
shattering (2008)
2º of fear and desire (2007)
METH (2006)
Palestine, Israel and Me (2006)
Here and Now (2005)
Gimme the Keys (2005)
Practicing Democracy (2004)
Don't Say a Word (2003)
Shutting Down (2003)
Doctor/Patient Rainbow (2003)
Thir$ty (2002)
Reaching Across (2001)
Language Reclamation (2001)
Through a Clear Lens (2001)
Corporations in our Heads (2000)
Corporate U (2000)
Squeegee (1999)
¿Qué pasa with la Raza, EH? (1999)
Street Spirits (1999)
The Dying Game (1998)
The Gagged Voice (1998)
Generations (1997)
Reclaimining Our Spirits (1996)
Safe Sex (1996)
Mamu (1994)
Flesh and Blood (1993)
Out of the Silence (1991)
This is my Life? (1991)
¿Sanctuary? (1989)
Real Men Don't Buy Kids (1988)
Power Play (1988)
No'Xya' (1987)
The Enemy Within (1986)
Under the Gun (1983)
Right to Fight (1982)
Buy, Buy, Vancouver (1981)