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More Past Projects:
šxʷʔam̓ət (home) BC/AB Tour - (2018)
šxʷʔam̓ət (home) - (2017)
Reclaiming Hope (2016)
maladjusted Tour (2015)
Voices of Love (2014)
Corporations in our Heads Tour (2013)
I have to tell my story (2013)
maladjusted (2013)
Corporations in Our Heads (2012)
Us and Them (The Play) (2011)
Us and Them (The Inquiry) (2010)
The Gaza Mono-Logues (2010)
after homelessness… (2009)
shattering (2008)
2º of fear and desire (2007)
METH (2006)
Palestine, Israel and Me (2006)
Here and Now (2005)
Gimme the Keys (2005)
Practicing Democracy (2004)
Don't Say a Word (2003)
Shutting Down (2003)
Doctor/Patient Rainbow (2003)
Thir$ty (2002)
Reaching Across (2001)
Language Reclamation (2001)
Through a Clear Lens (2001)
Corporations in our Heads (2000)
Corporate U (2000)
Squeegee (1999)
¿Qué pasa with la Raza, EH? (1999)
Street Spirits (1999)
The Dying Game (1998)
The Gagged Voice (1998)
Generations (1997)
Reclaimining Our Spirits (1996)
Safe Sex (1996)
Mamu (1994)
Flesh and Blood (1993)
Out of the Silence (1991)
This is my Life? (1991)
¿Sanctuary? (1989)
Real Men Don't Buy Kids (1988)
Power Play (1988)
No'Xya' (1987)
The Enemy Within (1986)
Under the Gun (1983)
Right to Fight (1982)
Buy, Buy, Vancouver (1981)
šxʷʔam̓ət (home) - (2017)
Reclaiming Hope (2016)
maladjusted Tour (2015)
Voices of Love (2014)
Corporations in our Heads Tour (2013)
I have to tell my story (2013)
maladjusted (2013)
Corporations in Our Heads (2012)
Us and Them (The Play) (2011)
Us and Them (The Inquiry) (2010)
The Gaza Mono-Logues (2010)
after homelessness… (2009)
shattering (2008)
2º of fear and desire (2007)
METH (2006)
Palestine, Israel and Me (2006)
Here and Now (2005)
Gimme the Keys (2005)
Practicing Democracy (2004)
Don't Say a Word (2003)
Shutting Down (2003)
Doctor/Patient Rainbow (2003)
Thir$ty (2002)
Reaching Across (2001)
Language Reclamation (2001)
Through a Clear Lens (2001)
Corporations in our Heads (2000)
Corporate U (2000)
Squeegee (1999)
¿Qué pasa with la Raza, EH? (1999)
Street Spirits (1999)
The Dying Game (1998)
The Gagged Voice (1998)
Generations (1997)
Reclaimining Our Spirits (1996)
Safe Sex (1996)
Mamu (1994)
Flesh and Blood (1993)
Out of the Silence (1991)
This is my Life? (1991)
¿Sanctuary? (1989)
Real Men Don't Buy Kids (1988)
Power Play (1988)
No'Xya' (1987)
The Enemy Within (1986)
Under the Gun (1983)
Right to Fight (1982)
Buy, Buy, Vancouver (1981)